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Is It Safe for Dogs to Eat Their Toys?

It’s no surprise that dogs like to chew on things. No matter the size of your dog, it’s inevitable that they will spend time chewing on their toys… or anything else they find in the house, like shoes, furniture, wall corners, and more. Chewing is a necessary activity that provides stress relief and exercise for animals, especially puppies.

As a dog owner, it’s important that you are proactive about managing your dog’s chewing to ensure they are safe. Not only will chewing the wrong things cause damage to your personal items, but these habits could be potentially dangerous to the dog.

Tips for Protecting Your Dog

Certain toys and dog accessories are made to be chewed. Be proactive about providing these items to your dog so they can safely chew the items… and you don’t have to worry about if they eat the toys.

  • Buy “tooth-friendly” treats and toys. These items are designed to clean the dog’s teeth while they are chewing.

  • Manage the size of their toys to the dog’s chewing style. If you have a big dog, they will need bigger, more durable toys.

  • Throw away any potential choking hazards. When the dog chews off part of the toy, take the smaller pieces away to keep them from swallowing these pieces. Small toys and pieces can lead to internal blockages.

  • Avoid broken teeth by providing toys that have a little “give” and flexibility. You should be able to bend the toy a little bit. If you press your fingernail into the toy, then it should leave an indentation. If the toy is harder, it can be unsafe for the dog to chew on.

  • Don’t let your dog chew on real bones, hooves, or rocks, because these objects are too hard and could injure the dog’s teeth. Choose plastic bones instead.

  • Consider using toys stuffed with peanut butter to provide stimulation. The peanut butter will last longer if you freeze it in the toy before giving the toy to your dog.

If your dog is biting or chewing the walls, then it could be a sign of stress or boredom. Evaluate how the dog’s routine or lifestyle has changed recently. You might need to make changes to help the dog feel more comfortable. Or, provide new toys so the dog can stay engaged, which can reduce the likelihood that they will chew on the walls or furniture.

Written by Becki Andrus

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