Even though live greenery inside homes livens up residences, some plants contain toxicities that can cause severe illness or fatalities to dogs. The good news is that not all in-home plants are harmful, and the effect on your pet can range from mild to highly poisonous. Younger dogs and puppies are at a higher risk of exposure than older animals. Dog owners should note the following list of popular house plants that are not recommended to be in reach of your K9.
Pothos aka Devil's Ivy
Golden pothos plants make excellent houseplants because they are difficult to kill and require little attention and maintenance. If your K9 eats any part of a pothos plant (roots, leaves, or seeds), you'll need to contact a veterinarian right away. Ingesting this plant can result in your dog experiencing vomiting, liver failure, or diarrhea.
Dumb Cane
Another enduring species of the plant kingdom that thrives in any condition is the Dumb Cane, and its tall physique and broad leaves make this a desirable house plant. When ingested by dogs, this plant's destructive toxins can cause burning and swelling of the mouth/tongue, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and impair breathing.
Aloe Vera
A typical plant that is seen in a wide variety of homes is the aloe vera plant. This medicinal plant is used to treat a wide variety of skin conditions and can also be ingested by humans. On the other hand, the leaves of the plant themselves have the capacity to harm your dog's digestive system when consumed, but the gel alone has not been found to be harmful to dogs.
Elephant Ear
Colorful elephant ear plants add a tropical feel to homes and the shape/size of the leaves makes it an appealing house plant. Unfortunately, the chemicals found in this popular plant can cause serious mouth irritations in dogs, and signs to look for are increased salivation, vomiting, or problems swallowing.
Bird of Paradise
This breathtaking houseplant is often coveted because of the vivid tropical essence that it brings to homes. The same draw that lures dog owners to this plant is very similar to why dogs wish to dine on this exotic flower. If your pet does manage to sink its teeth into a bird of paradise, owners should expect nausea, drowsiness, and vomiting shortly after.
Asparagus Fern
Delicate ferns add a wonderful texture to homes, but their relation to lilies makes this family of plants highly irritating to K9 skin. Ingestion can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and general skin disorders. Not all ferns are potent to dogs, and if you feel that your home needs one, a Boston fern is pet-safe and easy to care for.
You Can Still Have House Plants
Don't worry. You don't have to dump all of your house plants to keep your pup safe. Many plants that are dog-friendly can easily be substituted if your plant of choice puts your pet in danger. If you're looking for a pet-safe option to brighten up your space, then orchids, spider plants, the areca palm, and many others will add life to your home without adding increased risk to your K9 pal.
Abigail Baker is a writer from Happy Writers, Co. in partnership with producer of handicapped pet products, Walkin’ Pets